Los webinars de Stago han reunido con exito asistentes de todo el mundo. Si no ha podido asistir a los realizados en directo o esta interesado en revisarlos, la versión grabada de 30 minutos esta ya disonible on line 24h/7d

Nos es grato informarle que el nuevo servicio Webinar On-Demand (WOD) de Stago esta ya disponible on line (www.stagowebinars.com)
- D-Dimer: Its use in the strategy for VTE exclusion and
as a predicator for the risk of VTE recurrence - How to diagnose and manage Heparin-Induced
Thrombocytopenia (HIT)? - Laboratory Measurement of New Oral Anticoagulants
- New Insights in Lupus Anticoagulant Testing
- Quality Control in the Haemostasis laboratory.
How Quality Control contributes to result reliability. - Thrombin Generation: a universal laboratory tool
emerging from research to clinical practice. - How I interpret an aPTT result?
- The laboratory diagnosis of inherited and acquired Hemophilia
- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation:
pathophysiology and diagnosis - contribution of the clinical lab
and importance of Fibrin-related marker - Heparin Monitoring—Here to Stay!